Yes. Classical arts based on Socratic principles of truth
seeking should be an essential part of the school curriculum.
"Beauty is Truth; Truth Beauty. That is all we know on earth, and
all we need to know." I particularly support the training of
choruses in polyphonic classical repertoire in the bel canto
method; giving children access to learning an instrument early
in their education; and the ability of children to participate in
recitation of great literature, and involvement in producing and
acting in dramas -- particularly Shakespeare and Schiller. This
should be a part of the education budget. We must free children
from the pessimism of modern culture.
As a Congressman, I would, in consultation with my friend
Lyndon LaRouche, and associates of the Schiller Institute such as
William Warfield, Sylvia Olden Lee, Norbert Brainin, and others,
write an Apollo-style crash program for classical education in the
arts for the school system, which I would then fight to fund. Part
of this program should include performances of Plato's Dialogues as
dramas, as they were originally composed.