Incredibly, at this point, the "moderator", ex-WBZ-TV commentator Sarah Ann Shaw rose to interrupt Ferguson's statement, and attempt to shout him down:
Shaw: Mr. Ferguson, excuse me, Mr. Ferguson
Ferguson: ... Unless
Shaw: No, No, I am the moderator, sir, and I think if you are going to be talking about why you want to represent people in Congress, you should be talking about yourself, and not about Mr. LaRouche.
The interchange continued, as Shaw attempted to silence Ferguson. Ferguson concluded:
"All right, let me tell you something. This is exactly the problem we have with the media. They do not want to hear the truth about the financial collapse. That is why I am running for Congress. No one wants to face reality. People are walking around in a state of denial. The Boston Globe denied me the right to participate in the debate they sponsored with WBZ, and now I am being interrupted by this so-called moderator here. People have to face reality. There is a $400 trillion financial blow-out going on. You've got to have somebody in Congress that is going to deal with that problem. We have to build a movement in the Democratic Party to fight for the General Welfare. That is what I represent. I am proud of my association with Mr. LaRouche, and I urge you to join me and Mr. LaRouche in dealing with this financial collapse."
Clearly, there are many "Boston Brahmin's" who are increasingly upset about Ferguson's theme that "LaRouche Was Right, Stupid." The forum in question was sponsored by the NAACP, the ADL and other organizations. Shaw had been a commentator for WBZ-TV, which "whited out" Ferguson early in the campaign, refusing to include him in a scheduled debate. After fighting that racist exclusion, Ferguson has participated in most scheduled debates and forums, including two Chamber of Commerce functions -- one which feted 500 business leaders -- and appeared on televised debates. LaRouche's warnings are extremely well-known in establishment circles in Boston -- the site of the 1986 political trial that was designed, but failed, to silence LaRouche at that time.
In 1976, LaRouche's organization had sponsored a resolution for a debt moratorium put into the Boston City Council by Dapper O'Neill; the same year, a LaRouche-sponsored debt moratorium resolution was nearly adopted in the City Council in New York City. These resolutions were designed to stop the shift of the U. S. economy into a de-industrialized scrap heap, its urban centers destroyed, which followed President Nixon's ending of the Bretton Woods Agreements in 1971. Lazard Freres banker Felix Rohatyn, who became head of the Municipal Assistance Corporation controlling New York City after its bankruptcy, played a critical role against LaRouche's warnings during this period. However, in a August 20, 2001 editorial in the London Financial Times, Rohatyn announced that he now supported the call for convening a New Bretton Woods Conference -- a call specifically associated internationally, as Rohatyn knows, with the name of Lyndon LaRouche.
The irony of this fact, was too much for the Boston Brahmins, and their paid operatives. Thus, Bill Ferguson, candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for Congress, continues to puncture the controlled environment of the 9th Congressional District Congressional race in Massachusetts, delivering on the promise he made in a letter to the Boston Globe: "LaRouche has recently testified before the Russian and Italian legislatures on the global financial disinttegration now underway. I am the only candidate in the 9th District race who has, or will, address that issue, and it will soon be the only issue."
"Are you looking for the 'New Economy'? Try the obituary pages." "Are you a resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or are you living in a State of Denial?"