The Patriot Ledger, Thursday, August 23, 2001, "Ferguson Running for 9th District Seat"

""Classifying himself as a Larouche Democrat, he subscribes to the theory that the world is in the end stage of a financial, monetary and economic collapse. He said his main goal is fighting for the creation of a new Bretton Woods, the 1944 meeting attended by representatives from 44 states and governments to make financial arrangements for the post-war world. ... 'God put us on this earth to do good,' he said. 'He's given us the capacity to discover the truth. It's our job to do that and live by it and fight injustice and create harmony wherever we can."

The Needham times, "Ferguson brings a Unique Outlook to race for the 9th", by Dave Gradijan, August 16?

" ... The LaRouche movement, which represents international monetary reform. ... Ferguson said he believes that it is in time to declare 'Chapter 11 for the world,' and to try to embark on new strategies that will improve the way that money, goods and labor are used globally."

"Facing a global economic disintegration, Milton Democrat William Ferguson, Jr. Said the government could create jobs easily. 'We are going to need to spend $3- to $4-trillion to improve our infrastructure, and that is going to create new jobs,' he said. People working roads, utilities and transportation projects would be proud of their accomplishments, he added".

The Stoughton Journal, "Candidates Discuss a New Set of Issues", 8/24/01 p. 1 and 3

The Boston Sunday Herald, Cojmmentary by Wayne Woodlief, "Some Winners Among Lesser-Knows in 9th"

"Ferguson, of Braintree, is the official Lyndon larouche Democrat in the hunt. ... Ferguson has a pleasing, low-key personality that disguises the 'revolutionary' he purports to be. But if you're ready for really big ideas, try this for size: Start a whole new international monetary system and tap new markets by building 'the Eurasian Landbridge.' It would include 300 mph trains across China. Lots of infrastructure, lots of jobs for 'our collapsing economy,' Ferguson says. ... "

The Enterprise, Thursday, August 16, 2001

"We need to reorganize the Federal Reserve as a national bank under the control of Congress where the investments are vectored toward industry, infrastructure and science," Ferguson said ... ...Ferguson blasted the International Monetary Fund, investment banks and free market economics. He called international derivative investemnts 'side bets'. Ferguson's platform includes basing economic policy on the 'public welfare,' adding that the 'soul of the Democratic party was social welfare,' He pointed to president Franklin D. Roosevelt's post-Depression 'New Deal' agenda as the last time the party took such issues seriously. 'JWe used to regulat things like health care, utilities and fuel costs,' he said. 'This country was not founded on free trade.'"

WBGH, August 14

"'. You're talking about going to a Congress, where you're one of 435 members ... How do you effect a change this massive from the position of a Congressman ... ?'


'The pressure's coming from the collapse of the current system, plus the devastating effect it's having on the population. In this country, the upper 20% income brackets have more wealth than the lower 80% households. That's just outrageous. The question is, can we moblize the citizens to demand this change; to go back to the principle of the General Welfare as Franklin Delano Roosevelt represented it? That's our big fight inside the Democratic. So that the constituence of the party is: labor, minorities, the traditional constitencey of the party.; Instead of the constituency now, which is Wall Street.'


... "... There are people who try to mobilize those same constitutencies without taking this DRASTIC a step in the financial markets. 'What about' people's... day-to-day concerns" ...


"... If I'm a doctor, and someone comes to me with a brain tumor and acne -- I'm going to treat the brain tumore before I deal with the acne. The brain tumor, in this case, is the financial system that's disintegrating. Millions of people have already died because of it. . ... And it's time that it's stopped."

The Beacon Hill Times [subtitle: There Are No times Like These Times]

William A. Ferguson, Jr.
Hometown: Milton
Age: 39
Employment: Sales and promotion for Executive Intelligence Review and the New Federalist.
Claim to Fame: Coordinator for the for the Lyndon LaRouche presidential campaign.
Description: Ferguson's main concern is the world's financial system. He wants to regulate the financial markets to control speculation, fix exchange rates and creat a "new Bretton Woods".
Quote: "I have been a professional revolutionary for 20 years."

On Wednesday, September 5, the Patriot Ledger printed:

Ferguson foresees economic collapse
Patriot Ledger, Wednesday, September 5, 2001

"QUINCY High energy prices, skyrocketing rents and massive job layoffs are among the indicators that the national economy is on the verge of collapse, says congressional candidate William A. Ferguson, Jr."

"Back in 1963, to buy a home on average took about about 400 paychecks. Now it takes about 1,200 on average," Ferguson told the Patriot Ledger Editorial Board yesterday. "That's the kind of situation that has to be reversed. We have specific plans for how to do that, but the first step is to acknowledge the fact of the financial system being hopelessly bankrupt."

"Ferguson, a Milton resident, is one of seven Democrats in the 9th Congressional District primary race Sept 11.

The New England representative for the Lyndon LaRouche presidential campaign says he's running to advance LaRouche's theory that the world is in the end stage of an economic collapse.

"I'm running because right now the world is in the middle of a financial disintegration and an economic depression,' he said. 'We need to take bold steps to remedy that problem'.

Ferguson contends that the 1990s economic boom existed only for a wealthy few, and says government unemployment figures are overstated -- for example, by counting military personnel in the labor force and leaving out the long-term unemployed.

"'A lot of people could not exist unless they were able to have access to massive amounts of credit. Many people are getting second and third mortgages on their homes to get cash,' Ferguson said. 'These are ways people can maintain the illusion of prosperity.'

Ferguson said his top priority in Congress would be advancing LaRouche's call for the creation of a new Bretton Woods conference, the 1944 meeting attended by representatives from the world's leading countries to make financial arrangements for the postwar world.

'We pull the world's leaders together and create a new monetary system,' Ferguson said. Go back to the principles of the old Bretton Woods system that worked for 20 years. Reestablish fixed exchange rates, gold-reserved currencies, reestablish national banking rather than central banking, re-establish protectionist meaesures -- every nation should be able to protect their own economic development.

"The 9th Congressional District covers 15 communities from Boston to Taunton, including Milton, Braintree, Canton, Randolph and Stoughton.

"The winners of the Democratic and Republican primaries on Sept. 11 will meet in a special election Oct. 16."

In the Boston Metro, a free newspaper with a wide circulation, Ferguson's answers to five questions were published on September 4:

1) What would you be doing if you were not in politics?
Answer: Like most people, I would be struggling to survive, trying to block out the reality that the economy is collapsing, and hysterically denying the fact that I can do something about it.

2) Who would you set as a role model and why?
Answer: Lyndon LaRouche. He is the Socrates of our age, and ingenious enough to cause his enemies to drink the hemlock.

3) What is your greatest fear?
Answer: That I would have the opportunity to do something great for humanity and not be ready.

4) Tell us something you have done that demonstrates your character.
Answer: I dropped out of Princeton to work with LaRouche because I was more committed to seeking truth and fighting evil than getting a B. S. Degree.

5) Why should you be elected?
For over 35 years, economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche, uniquely, has never erred in any of his long-range forecasts. We are undergoing worldwide financial and monetary disintegration that LaRouche accurately forecast in 1994. Can our citizens find the wisdom and will, despite the political 'leadership,' to act with LaRouche, to beat this Depression? If so, they should elect me because I will implement LaRouche's solutions.

The Bay State Banner on August 30th reported:

"Ferguson said his first step as congressman would be to convince Bush to step out of LaRouche's way to nationwide economic reorganization, which would create 15 million jobs and redesign [sic] the HMO's. ... Ferguson said the massive economic reconstruction plan would alter standardized test-based curriculums to socratic-truth seeking curriculums. 'Can anyone design a standardized test that Bush can pass?' He asked." Return to Home Page

For more information, contact: Ferguson For Congress, or call: 1-781-380-4001; or fax: 1-781-380- 4029.